DIN 16 230
Measurement, Monitoring and Control:
recording charts in strip form used in recording instruments
All measurements are in mm. For the items covered by this standard there are no correspondingregional or international standards. This document supersedes the 05.70 edition.Contents1. Scope2. Purpose
3. Definitions
4. Dimensions
1. Scope
5. Designation
6. Materials
7. Printing
8. Marking
1. Scope
this standard pertains to recording charts for recording Instruments in which a strip chart is fed in by
studs on the chart drive mechanism.
2. Purpose
This standasrd specifies a limited number of types of chart in order that interchange between strip
chart recorders will be facilitated. Those dimensions which are absolutely necessary for
interchangeability are stipulated and essential data are provided for the printing of the ruled lines and
numbering and for the materials to be used.
3. Definitions
3.1 Strip Chart Recorders
These are recorders in which the recording chart is in the form of a strip which is preferably driven
forward in a time-dependent manner. (This definition accords with that in DIN 43782.)
3.2 Recording charts
These are strips or round charts with printed lines on them with or without lettering. The values of
measured quantities - ideally as a function of time - can be obtained from them, possibly by reading off
from a scaled ruler. (this definition accords with that in DIN 43782).
3.3 Strip charts
These are recording charts in the form of strips. They may be used in strip chart recorders by taking
them from chart rolls of from folded piles.
3.3.1 Chart rolls
These are strips wound round a core.
3.3.2 Strip rolls
These are strips which are taken form a chart roll.
3.3.3 Folded piles
These are strips which are alternately folded crosswise at equal distances and which together form a
rectangular pile.
3.3.4 Folded strips
These are strips with or without crosswise perforation taken form a folded pile.
3.4 Line printings
A series of preprinted lines on the recording charts which enable a test of the alignment to be made.
(This definition accords with that in DIN 43782).
3.4.1 Measured value lines
These are lines used to facilitate the determination of each measured value. (This definition accords
with that in Din 43782) Principal measured value lines
These are measured value lines which facilitate determination of the value of a measured parameter
by making use of a greater line thickness which stands out against the adjacent measured value lines.
3.4.2 Time lines
These are lines used to facilitate determination of the time at which each measured value is recorded.
(This definition accords with that in DIN 43782). Principal time lines
These are firne lines which especially facilitate time determination by making use of a greater line
thickness to stand out against the adjacent time lines.
3.5 Line numbering
This refers to the series of numbers used for the purpose of numbering the lines. (This definition
accords with that in DIN 43782).
3.6 Useful width
The greatest distance between the two outermost measured value lines determined by the dimensions
of the recording chart.
The dimensions relate to samples of recording charts equilibrated at the DIN 50014 - 23/20-2 standard
climate (temperature 23°C ± 2K; relative air humidity 50% ± 6%).
4.1 Strip chats
The strip width is from 120 to 270; holes are punched on both sides.
The strip width is 110; holes are punched on one side.
Figure 2
Table 1: Dimensions for strips and punched holes
DIN 16230
In the absence of any other indication, the useful width for printing on to paper should be taken as the
beginning of the scale range. There shall, however, be confomity with the tolerances given in Figure 5.
The strips punched only on one side having a width of 110 mm are in general used only for feeding
from right to left.
4.2 Chart rolls
The dimensions of recording strips are given in Section 4.1. The printing on the charts is described in
Section 7. The charts are rolled up with the printed side on the outside.
4.2.1 Chart roll dimensions and chart strip lengths are given in Section 6 for all materials
Table 2. Chart roll dimensions and chart strip lengths
Chart roll width Roll core inner diameter Roll strip length
The outer diameter of chart rolls as agreed, apart from the paper mentioned in Section 6,1,1.
4.2.2 Chart roll outer diameters for materials mentioned in Section 6.1.1.
4.3 Folded piles
The dimensions of folded piles are given in Section 4.1. The printing an them is described in Section 7.
The beginning and end of the printing is an the outer side. The height of the folded pile is as agreed
apart from piles made of the paper mentioned in Section 6.1.1.
4.3.1 The dimendions of folded piles and folded strip lengths are given in Section 6 for all
materials used. Folding
The fold may be perforated. The folding begins 2.5 mm after the time line numbered with a six.
4.3.2. Folded pile heights for the materials mentioned in Section 6.1.1,
Table 6. Folded pile heights for paper as in DIN 16 234 with a basis weight 40 and 50g1m2 and
a smoothness 100 seconds on the Bekk Scale.
40 I
9 15 14 27 24 47 1
12 20 20 37 33 65 I
The folded pile heights refer to folded piles taken from their packing case, straightened up and placed
on a horizontal surface, and subject only to the force of their own weight.
5. Designation
Standard number
Strip width in mm
Roll strip length in m
Roll core inner diam in mm
Max. roll outer diam in mm
Standard number
Strip width in mm
Folded strip length in mm
Fold distance in mm
Max. folded pile height in mm
6. Materials
6.1 Paper
6.1.1 Paper as described in DIN 16 234 with a density of 40 and 50g/m2.
6.1.2 Other types of paper as agreed
6.2 Other materials as agreed
7. Printing
The spacing and numbering of the measured value lines is according to DIN 43802 Parts 4 and 5;
other spacings and numberings by agreement. Colour grey; other colours by agreement.
5.2.4 Test Category 4 Extended term recording test
Signal shape: triangle
6.1 The pen shall rest perpendicularly against the paper, and its pressure load shall be applied in a
direction perpendicular to the paper.
6.2 The pressure load of the pen shall be (50 ± 20) mN
6.3 The mass of pen and penholder shall be held as low as possible. The penholder is only
allowed to move parallel way to the surface of the paper. Perpendicular movements are
only allowed to be made by the pen.
6.4 Only fibre-tipped pens*) in the manufacturer's sealed original packs and within the
manufacture(s stated use-by date shall be used.
6.5 In the case of capillary pens *), manufacturers and users shall reach agreement about
additional details such as external diameter, internal diameter, line-width, and whether the
capillary is or is not to incorporate a cleaning wire. Since not all of the test procedures and
cirteria listed in clause 7 are suitable for capillary pens, manufacturers and users shall agree
which test procedures are to be employed in each case
Colour surface tension
+ 3
viscosity at 20°C
mPa s
± 0.3
blue red 53 3.4 5.5 1.055
green 49 3.4 7.0 1.055
Quoted standards
DIN 827 Paper; classes of fibre material
DiN 6730 Paper and board; definitions
DIN 16 230 Measurement and control; recording paper in strip form for
measurement recorders
DIN 43 781 Part 1
DIN 53 105 Part 1
DIN 53 107
Measurement and control; electrical measuring instruments;
directly acting electrical recorders and electrical accessories
Testing of paper and board; determination of average caliper
of single sheets, unfinished density, and specific volume
Testing of paper and board; Bekk method for the determination of
7.1. Lines
Spacing referred to a measured quantity shall correspond to 1, 2 or 5 times the unit of the measured
quantity or ist decadic multiple.
all time lines
measured princi pa1
value 1i ne time; 1i ne
0,4:0,05 0,4I0,0s
spacing for
time lines
Figure 5
7.2 Numbering
7.2.1 Lines for measured values are numbered as follows:
- begin in each case 15mm after the time line numbered 6 (see Figure 6);
-tor strip widths 110 and 120 print at a distance of 60mm in each case;
- for strip widths 140, 230 and 270 print at a distance of 120mm in each case.
7.2.2 time lines are marked oft in hours from 0 to 23, and for feed rates from
30mmih markings in minutes (see figure 6)
Height of numbers
should be used preferentially.
For other feed rates for strips, the printing of the time lines and their numbering should be agreed in
advance. For high feed rates from 240mm/h, division of centimetres form 00, 5, 10 etc. up to 95 IS to
be preferred.
Printing of the numbering on time lines for strips moving from top to bottom.
10 mm/h 20 mm/h 30 mm/h 40 mm/h
60 mm/h 120 mm/h
4 0'
X marks the beginning of the numbering of the measured value lines
Figure 6
Printing of the numbering on time lines for strips moving from right to left
Figure 7
For other feed rates, the numbering should follow that given in Figure 6.
7.3 Reference marks
These indicate the end of the recording chart.
reference 1ine
The end of the strip is indicated by a red line approximately 2mm wide (see Figure 8). This reference
mark is printed on the strip at a distance of 100mm from the zero measured value line and continues
diagonally across until the line is reached.
The mark continues for a distance of:
1500mm for a feed rate of < 40mm/h
4500mm for a feed rate of 40mm/h
8. Marking
Rolled and folded strips which meet the requirements set out in this standard may be marked as
Institute Symbol DIN
Name or logo of manufacturer
Type designation, serial number or reference number
8.1 Inscription Mark
If special material is used, this can be indicated if desired, e.g. thermosensitive paper 90/150,
pressure-sensitive paper, dielectric paper, metal paper or some suitable abbreviation.
Quoted standards
DIN 16234
DIN 43781 Part 1
DIN 43781 Part 2
DIN 43782
DIN 43802 Part 4
DIN 43802 Part 5
DIN 50014
Earlier editions
Papers for chart rolls, chart strips and chart discs used in recording
Measurement, monitoring and control; electrical instruments; directly operatinci
electrical recorders including electrical accessories
Measurement, monitoring and control; electrical instruments; directly operating
electrical recorders including electronic accessories.
Measurement, monitoring and control; electrical instruments;
self-compensating electrical instruments
Scales and pointers for electrical instruments; linear scale divisions
and mumbering
Scales and pointers for electrical instruments; non-linear scale
divisions and numbering
Climates and their technical usage; standard climates
DIN 1507 Parts 1 and 2: 05.30, 09.32; DIN 1509: 01.27; DIN 16231: 08.44; DIN 16230: 08.44, 04.63,
The following alterations have been made to the May 1970 edition:
a) Definitions have been brought into accord with international specifications:
b) Strip widths of 90 an 110 mm punched on both sides are now no longer included;
c) The strip width of 110 mm punched on one side has been included, see Explanations
DIN 53 112 Part 1
DIN 53 115
DIN 53 130
Earlier editions
DIN 16 234: 11.62
Testing of paper and board; determination of tensile strength of
conditioned samples.
Testing of paper; Brecht-Imset method for the testing of tear
Testing of paper and board; determination of moisture-related
Paper and board; determination of grammage
The following amendments were made in comparison to the November 1962 edition:
a) Requirements for recordign papers expanded
b) Examples provided of requirements and tests
c) Title of standard changed.
Explanatory Notes
This standard was prepared by sub-committee UK 922.2 "Measurement Recorders" of the German
Electrotechnical Committee of the DIN and VKE(DKE)
International Patent Classification
B 65 H 43/00
D 21 G 7/00
D 21 H 27/00
Figure 3
Table 4. Folded strip lengths and fold distances
Folded strip length
Fold distance ± 0.2 Perpendicularity Tolerances
Folded pile width
Figure 4
8 000
16 000
32 000
Folded pile depth
Table 5. Perpendicularity tolerances for folded piles
DIN 16230
Folded strip length 8000 16 000 32 000
Fold distance 80 40 60 40 80 40
tolerances for
strip widths
li 15
t2 1.5 2.5
t, 1.5
(2 1.5 2 4
The perpendicularity tolerance includes the evenness tolerance of the page
surfaces forming the folded pile.
DIN 16 234Control technology
Paper for charts plotted by recording instruments
Non-coated paper
There are currently no regional or international standards applicable to the scope of this standard.
1. Field of application
This standard applies to paper in strip form (e.g. to DIN 16 230 specification) for use with
measurement recorders.
This standard provides the specification for non-coated papers.
2 Scope
Papers for all types of measurement recorders have to satisfy very strict requirements. lt is essential
that the measurement recorder should function without interruption and that recorded measurements
should be clear and easy to read off despite the extremes of temperature, fluctuations in humidity, and
other operating conditions described in this standard. Because of these demands, the characteristics
have to be taken into account at the stage of paper manufacture.
3 Definitions
3.1 Recording paper
To DIN 43 781 Part 1 specification
3.2 Non-coated paper
To DIN 6730 specification
3.3 Inscribability
Inscribability is the ability of the recording paper to accept inscription by a specified inscribing device.
3.4 Finished paper
Finished paper is non-coated paper which satisfies the requirements for recording paper by virtue of
additional processing such as trimming to size, perforating, forming into rolls, folding, or printing.
4 Requirements
All nominal values are referenced to the DIN 50 014-23/50-2 standard atmosphere.
The nominal use range for relative humidity is from 30% to 75% at a temperature of 23°C.
Requirements for paper are summarized in Table 1 and in Subclauses 4.1 to 4.4. The values in Table
1 apply to both unfinished and finished paper.
4.1. Tear progagation resistance
(Brecht-Imset method)
lt shall be a characteristic of the paper that its smooth and continuous progress through the
measurement recorder is not impaired by the propagation of tears from the perforation points.
4.2 Transverse expansion due to moisture
lt shall be a characteristic of the paper that its smooth progress through the measurement recorder
and the accurate read-off of measurements shallt not be impaired by transverse expansion due to
moisture as a consequence of fluctuations in atmospheric humidity.
Transverse expansion due to moisture is a function of moisture content dependent upon the
composition of the paper. The paper manufacturer and paper finishing company shall therefore form
an agreement with regard to the moisture content at the time of delivery.
4.3 Smoothness GL (Bekk) A
The smoothness GL (Bekk) A of the paper shall be at least 60 seconds, since the writing length of line
pens and the number of printed dots of dot writers for a given quantity of ink depends largely upon the
smoothness of the paper, as well as upon other factors.
Note: to fulfil this requirement, the papers recommended in DIN 16 230 have a smoothness of
100 seconds, because the procedure for determining smoothness assumes measurement
uncertainty of ± 25%.
4.4 Inscribability
The inscribability of the finished paper shall be determined to ensure that the recording fluid used for
the particular application does not gush out, penetrate the paper, and become absorbed by it.
Determination of inscribability
Inscribability is assessed by means fo sample inscriptions.
Except where otherwise agreed between the manufacturer and the user, tests shall be performed
using writing pens, referred to below simply as "pens", and blue, red, and green inks.
If fibre-tipped pens are employed, fresh sets of pens shall be used for each group of tests. Test shall
be performed in the stated colour sequence.
If capillary pens are used, they shall either be cleaned or fitted with new nibs before each group of
5 Requirements and tests for inscribability
5.1 Requirements for inscribability
The evaluation criteria stated in subclauses to relate to tests such as those for a
3-channel recorder using the combination of paper and ink selected for that application in appropriately
designed pens.
lt is assumed that the pens write from the observation side. Transparency and penetration
characteristics which are of importance if the pens write on the side opposite the observer are not
taken into consideration here. They should nevertheless be the subject of agreement between the
manufacturer and user where appropriate.
In marginal cases, the tests in Test Categories 1, 2, and 4 may also be performed using the test inks
specified in clause 7 and the test recorders specified in clause 6.
The results will provide a supplementary evaluation for comparison purposes of the papers under
5.1.1 Test category 1 Line width, colour modification
Typical line width with test pen: 0.25 to 0.35 mm
Over a 1m lenth, the width of the line may vary in the ratio 1:1.5.
The excursion of ink along individual fibres by capillary action shall be closely monitored.
Tolerance limits shall be laid down.
No modification of colour shall become apparent within 24 hours of initial inscription.
lnscriptions shall be kept covered during this period to prevent any effects of light on the ink
colour. Wettability
The number of interruptions and the length of the longest interruptions shall be measured
along a 90mm excursion.
The permissible number of interruptions and the permissible length of the longest interruption
shall be agreed by the manufacturer and user in each case. Low speed inscription
Fraying of inscribed line:
An inscribed line may be 1 mm wide or 4 times the width of the stroke as specified in
subclauses 5.2.1 and
A second length of recording paper of a type identical to the uppermost length shall be placed
beneath the uppermost length of paper and fed simultaneously through the recorder during
recording. No ink may penetrate through the inscribed recording paper onto the underlying
recording paper.
5.1.4 Stationay test
Maximum diameter of dot 5mm (measured from the longest section).
5.1.2 Test Category 2 Drying time
A strip of the same recording paper is pressed against the inscribed recording paper. An inscription
which is older than or as old as the period agreed between the manufacturer and the user shall leave
no impression on the blank paper. Ink penetration resistance
The ink shall not penetrate through the paper. Test as specified in subclause
5.1.3 Test Category 3 lnk mixing test
lnk shall not disperse beyond the colour mixture zone (see Figure 2) to an extend greater than that
agreed between the manufacturer and the user.
5.1.4 Test Category 4 Extended term inscription test
The recording pen shall not become excessively clogged by abrasion from the paper. Visual inspection
of the recording pen for fibres and paper particles.
The manufacturer and user may reach agreement with regard to the period and values for line
widening as a consequence of the accumulation of abraded paper and other fibres.
5.2 Testing
Unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturer and user, the standard test procedures specified
in this standard shall apply. Examples are given in the clauses which follow of the characteristics which
can be tested. Manufacturers and users may agree to adopt alternative test values, select particular
tests, or use different tests where these are appropriate for specific applications.
5.2.1 Test Category 1 Line width, colour modification
signal shape: triangle
excursion: 75 mm
pen writing speed:
paper advance speed
59 mm/s
3,600 mm/h Stationary test
All three pens rest on the paper for 72 hrs.
Note: The test period is not stated since it is calculable form the data for the paper advance speed
and the length advanced.
5.2.2 Test Category 2 Drying time Ink penetration resistance Ink mixture test
Two colours are superinscribed in each case: they are:
red and blue; blue and green; green and red.
Fundamental frequency
Before recording, both base lines are moved to the middle of the recording paper so that they coincide.
Voltages are fed in opposite phase to each of the two recording channels.
See Figures 1 and 2.
Table 1. Requirements for measurement recorder papers with grammages of 30 g/m 2 to 130 g/m2
(intermediate values to be a reed between manufacturer arid user)
Test parameter
Unit Requirements/nominal values Tolerance
mass per unit area g/m2 30 40 50 60 90 100 110 120 130
± 2 g/m2
60 86 96 105
64 90 100 108
68 95 106 115
72 98 109 118
+ 10% DIN 53 105
Part 1
fibre class Z 100 - DIN 827
Tear length
- DIN 53 112
Part 1 m
Transverse tear propagation resistance
per Brecht-Imset
mN m/m 20 to 100 - DIN 53 115
transverse expansion
due to change in
relative humidity
of 30% to 75%
0.8 _
DIN 53 130
but in respect
of a relative
humidity change
from 30% to 75%
GL(Bekk)A s 60 - DIN 53 107
Paper colour white - -
*) As defined in DIN 6730
**) The higher value shall apply
DIN 16 234G1 G2
1 1
R 1 R2
G1: Generator 1
G2: Generator 2
Figure 1. Circuit for Ink mixture test
ColOur 1 Colonr 2
Channel 1
Channel 2
Colour mixture zone
Figure 2. Specimen recording for ink mixture test
this standard was elaborated from UK 922.2 "Recording Instruments" by the German Electrotechnical
Commission in DIN and VDE (DKE). lt takes into account the demands now being made on the
relevant recording charts as a result of current developments in recorders and is appropriately oriented
lowards DIN 820_
The nomenclature used accords with that in DIN 43781 Part 1 "Measurement, monitoring and control;
electrical instruments; directly operating electrical recorders including electrical accessories, DIN
43781 Part 2 "Measurement, monitoring and control; electrical instruments; directly operating electrical
recorders including electronic accessories" and DIN 43782 "Measurement, monitoring and control;
electrical instruments; self-compensating electrical instruments". In some cases, definitions have been
taken over word for word.
The new version does not include the strip widths of 90mm and 110mm with punched holes on both
side. Whereas the old standard is based on the chart width for classification purposes, the strip width
has been used here. On strips with a strip width of 230mm, the earlier chart width of 200mm is
contained within the useful width of 210mm.
Chart strips with a strip width of 110mm have been newly included when punched on one side only. In
a table, the chart roll external diameters are given for the various roll cores, roll strip lengths and types
of paper. To satisfy an urgent need, folded strips and their dimensions when piled have been included
for the first time. Doubly and triply printed chart strips are na langer included as they are no langer
appropriate to the wide range currently in use. Moreover, an extension of the standardization based on
such needs would be beyond the scope of this standard for chart rolls.
A distinction is drawn in this standard between measurements which generally apply to all materials
and those which pertain to paper of 40 and 50g/m2 as described in DIN 16 234.
International Patent Classification
G 01 13
B 23Q 15-00
G 06 K 15-00